PPM Builder
The PPM Builder is a tab-by-tab, guided tool to help create PPMs. PPMs rely on the base template and contract features, but you can create these association from one spot in the PPM Builder. You can view the underlying template and contracts from links on the Builder, but you can only update them via the Builder itself.
To access the PPM Builder, go to Admin > PPM Manager and either open an existing PPM or click Create PPM.
The PPM Builder contains the tabs listed below. Each tab has the following options for efficient PPM creation:
Back: Navigates you to the previous tab
Save Current Values: Saves your work up to that point
Cancel: Cancels PPM creation and navigates you back to the PPM Manager
Next: Navigates you to the next tab
PPM Schedule
On PPM Schedule you determine the schedule for generating work orders for the PPM.
You can configure the following:
Scheduling Mode: Determines whether the schedule is based on sites or assets
By Site: Schedules PPM generation for assets at a site
By Asset: Schedules PPM generation for particular assets, regardless of site
Scheduling Method: Determines the interval at which PPM generation runs
Monthly Interval: Automated monthly PPM generation
Requires specifying Frequency (Months) (1 is every month, 2 every 2 months, and so on) and Day of Month for PPM generation to run
Daily Interval: Automated daily PPM generation
Requires specifying Frequency (Days) (1 is every day, 2 every 2 days, and so on)
Specified Date: Automated PPM generation on the selected date or dates of the month
Requires entering or selecting Creation Dates (the date or dates of the month to run PPM generation)
Weekly Schedule: Automated PPM generation based on configurations of a weekly schedule
Requires selecting Applicable Days of the week (Sunday through Saturday in any combination)
Manual Creation: Requires manual PPM generation rather than being automated
Next Run Date (read only): Indicates the next date PPM generation runs for this schedule
Schedule Version: Enter the version number or iteration number for this schedule
Schedule Type: Enter the type, category, or other descriptor for this schedule
PPM Preview Behavior (automated generation only): determines how work order previews should generate, either:
Count Backward: Generation of work order previews a day(s) count back from work order generation
This is the most used method.
Count Forward: Generation of work order previews a day(s) count forward from work order generation
PPM Preview Option (automated generation only): Determines what the preview period is based on, either:
Contract preview periods: Preview periods are based on the contract
Use with the Forecast option for PPM Preview Forecast.
Schedule specific preview periods: preview periods are manually selected for this schedule
Use with the Preview option for PPM Preview Forecast.
PPM Preview Forecast (automated generation only): determines what work order generation is based on
No Preview: Work orders generate at the run date of the interval
Preview: Work orders generate at the run date of the interval, only after work order previews are approved
Lets you specify the Preview Period (days) (the number of days before the run date that work order previews generate)
Lets you choose whether to Skip the first preview period (that is, the preview period for the first run date)
Forecast : All work orders for the schedule (running up to the end of the contract) generate on the first run date
Preview periods do not apply to the Forecast option.
SLA Options: Determines how to count time to complete SLA work orders, either:
Calendar Months: Requires you to enter the number of Fix SLA (months)
Number of Days: Requires you to enter the number of Fix SLA (days)
Auto-Advance to (status): Determines the status of work orders upon generation
Blank: Work orders take the default status for new work orders
Canceled: Work orders are canceled upon creation
EOL: Work orders are considered end-of-life upon creation
Service Complete: Work orders are complete upon creation
This page shows the assets the PPM schedule is for.
The following information displays in a smart table:
Asset number: The asset ID number the PPM schedule is for
Provider name: The name of the service provider for the PPM schedule for the asset
Asset type
Manufacturer: The company that made the asset
Category: The asset category
Subcategory: The asset subcategory
Site name: The name of the site where the asset is located
Site description
To update a single asset, click the Asset number you want to update in the smart table.
To update multiple assets, select the check boxes for the asssets you want to update and click Update asset values. On a bulk update, only fields where you input a value are applied to the selected assets. No changes are made to fields whose values are left blank.
This page shows the sites the PPM schedule is for.
The following information displays in a smart table:
Site name: The name of the site the PPM schedule is for
Provider name: The name of the service provider for the PPM schedule at the site
Site description
Organization: The organization the site is associated with
Location: Address info for the site
Start date: The start date of the PPM schedule for the site
Next run date: Indicates the next date PPM generation runs for this schedule at the site
Last run date: The last date PPM generation runs for this schedule at the site
To add a site to the PPM schedule, click Add sites. You are prompted to select the sites you want to add.
To remove from the PPM schedule, select the check boxes for the sites you want to remove and click Remove sites.
To manually generate PPM work orders for the sites shown, click Run now. Only available if all contracts for sites have been published.
Update site values
You can update the contract details for a site on the PPM schedule and you can change the Start date (and Next run date) for the PPM schedule.
To update a single site, click the Site name you want to update in the smart table.
To update multiple sites, select the check boxes for the sites you want to update and click Update site values. On a bulk update, only fields where you input a value are applied to the selected sites. No changes are made to fields whose values are left blank.
You can update the following:
Service provider: The name of the service provider for the PPM schedule at the site
Contract reference #: The reference number for the contract for the PPM schedule at the site
Open to status: Determines the approval status of work orders upon generation (assigned, pending provider notification, or pending acceptance)
Site supplier ID:
Auto-Advance to (status): Determines the status of work orders upon generation (canceled, EOL, or service complete)
Start date: The start date for this PPM schedule at the site
Changing the Start date updates the Next run date for PPM generation.
Import site values
The Import option lets you add site values to the PPM via the import tool.
Advanced Options
You can configure the following advanced options for PPMs:
PPM completion level: determines when the PPM is considered complete based on associated work orders (All populated complete/incomplete, All populated complete, None)
Use asset operational status
Enforce PPM asset details
Permission to work required
Enforce asset indication
Auto-renew contract
Payment terms
Site event
Open to status
When you update provider details and click Publish, a dialog opens with the following options for capturing contract change details:
Change type: Select the kind of change you made to the contract
Comments: Add more information about the change you made
Notify people about the change
You can select Provider or Site to send notifications about the contract change to those entities associated with the contract. Specify recipient's email to add email addresses to notify about the contract change. Recipients pre-selected based on client configuration can't be cleared.